Lip Glow Tint/ BB Glow Lips

Lip Glow Tint/ BB Glow Lips


This product is a Micro-needle Therapy System (MTS) procedure for lips, a natural collagen-producing, lip-plumping procedure; A gentle coloring pigmenting treatment that emphasizes the lip color and gives the effect of full, beautifully highlighted lips! The product intensively moisturizes, nourishes, and regenerates the skin of the lips, making the lips silky smooth. This is an excellent alternative to permanent make-up for lips and costs less. Lip Glow Tint is for those not quite ready for a permanent makeup lip procedure but would love their lipstick to last for weeks or months without reapplication. 1st procedure COLOR lasts up to 2 weeks, $129 for longer durability of color it is highly recommended to perform a series 3 treatments only $299 treatments because as mentioned above it is not permanent makeup if treatment is repeated 3 times the effect may last up to 4-6 months. Color saturation increases with each treatment.

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